
Summervale Care Centre - Answers to your most frequently asked questions

Frail care needs more nursing care than the assisted living residents. Assisted living residents can still manage on their own and don’t need that much nursing care. In Assisted living they must shower by themselves and dress themselves.

Yes, for those who need care for a short period of time only we offer short stays at a daily rate of  R1 100

Yes, Frail care, Assisted living and palliative care offers 24-hour care

Assisted living is assistance with activities of daily living. You might need assistance in some areas of daily living and assisted living provides these. Included in Assisted Living at all our facilities are; accommodation, meals, laundry, housekeeping, medication and care companion.

One staff member for every five residents

Bible study, knitting club, music therapy, exercises by an expert, board games, arts and crafts

Of course. Your family and friends are always welcome. Summervale have an amazing restaurant.

There are no specific visiting hours. But keep in mind that all meals and activities are performed at set times daily, so it will be best to arrange visits around these times.

You can, but you also have the option to let us provide your family member with nappies. We buy nappies in bulk at a discounted price. Any nappies used during the month will be added to your monthly bill.

Yes, we have a rigged out hair salon with a stylist visiting every Thursday

Yes, onsite physiotherapy is available upon request and as needed

It is pre packed and given by the Sister on duty. This is probably the biggest concern as our parents age that they take the correct medicines at the correct time.

Yes, you are more than welcome, just make the necessary arrangements

Yes, it is a non-refundable deposit is required.

We know, navigating elderly care options can be an overwhelming endeavor for you and your family. We’ve helped many families through these uncertain times and no matter how unique your needs are, our team of experts can help you too.


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